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Empty shot - Tiro a vuoto


duration: 15’

year of production: 2010 

director: Roberto Zazzara

cast: Andrea Lucente, Andrea Miglio Risi, Giuseppe Orsillo, Lorenzo Richelmy, Gianluca Vicari

screenplay: Giulia Moriggi, Luca Ravenna

cinematographer: Giuseppe Maio

editors: Luigi Capalbo, Lucia Sblendorio

original soundtrack: Commodity Place

producion: CSC - Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia per Ministro della Gioventù e Fondazione Cinema per Roma

organizers: Francesca Sorce, Antonio Basso


synopsis: Conflicts between boys are everyday routine in high school. There are those who cultivate sincere friendship, and who bases their relationship on arrogance and will never confess their silent pains. When these two ways to live adolescence collide, all feel a sense of instability and fear, but only some boys will have the strength to follow their instinct to the end.



Empty shot is a short movie produced within NCN Lab 2010 (New Cinema Network Lab), a laboratory dedicated to the new cinema industry professionals, to support young italian cinema. The NCN Lab is promoted by Ministero della Gioventù (Italian Ministry of Youth), in collaboration with Fondazione Cinema per Roma (Rome Cinema Foundation). The Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (Italian National School of Cinema) was the executive producer.





NCN Lab 2010 winner, premiered at Casa del Cinema, Rome, as a special event of Festival del Cinema di Roma (Rome Film Festival).


Selected to the prestigious Italian award Nastri d’Argento (Silver Ribbons) 2011.


Best Actor Prize to Lorenzo Richelmy, Figari Film Festival 2011.


Special mention, Laura Film Festival 2011.


Special mention for the Best youth themed short movie, Filmmakers al Chiostro 2011.


Special mention, Monza Motor Film Festival 2011.


Best movie, Best director, Best cinematography, Corti sul lettino Festival 2011 – Cinema and psychoanalysis.


Shortlist of top 5 drama movies, Portobello Film Festiva 2011, Londra.


Best Cinematography, Corto Corrente Festival 2011.



festival screenings:

Valdarno Cinema Fedic 2011 (San Giovanni Valdarno, Italy)

World Kids International Film Festival 2011 (India)

Portobello Film Festival 2011 (London, UK)

Social World Film Festival 2011 (Naples, Italy)

Giffoni 2011 (Giffoni, Italy)

Genova Film Festival 2011 (Genova, Italy)

Maremetraggio 2011 (different locations in the south of Italy)

Cinemavvenire 2011 (Rome, Italy)

Algidus Film Festival 2011 (Lariano, Italy)

Corto in Bra 2011 (Bra, Italy)

Corto Acquario 2011 Santa Marinella, Italy)

FilmMakers al Chiostro  2011 (Pordenone, Italy)

Motovun Film Festival 2011 (Motovun, Croatia)

Collecchio Video Film Festival 2011 (Collecchio, Italy)

Figari Film Fest (Golfo Aranci, Italy)

Acquedolci Independent Film Festival (Acquedolci, Italy)

Clorofilla Film Festival 2011 (Grosseto, Italy)

Milazzo Film Festival 2011(Milazzo, Italy)

Laurafilmfestival 2011 (Bonassola and Levanto, Italy)

Shortini  International Film Festival 2011 (Augusta, Italy)

Corti sul lettino 2011 (Napoli, Italy)

Summer Corto Café Festival 2011 (Taranto, Italy)

Lampedusa Film Festival 2011 (Lampedusa, Italy)

Monza Motor Film Festival 2011 (Monza, Italy)

HAB Festival 2011 (Venice, Italy)

Fiati Corti 2011 (Istrana, Italy)

Corto Corrente Festival 2011 (Fiumicino, Italy)

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